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CarOS - The Carrier Operating System

CarOS 16.01 Barrelene

   ______           ____  _____    /\
  / ____/___ ______/ __ \/ ___/   /  +---+
 / /   / __ `/ ___/ / / /\__ \    \  |  /   CarOS 16.01
/ /___/ /_/ / /  / /_/ /___/ /     +---+    Barrelene
\____/\__,_/_/   \____//____/      |/


  • rebased on poky-2.0
  • kernel update to 4.4
  • erlang update to R18.2.2
  • loads of security fixes (upstream)

Why barrelene?

"Barrelene is a bicyclic organic compound with chemical formula C8H8. ... the name derives from the obvious resemblance to a barrel" see wikipedia

A diet was necessary. So we choose a smaller molecule.

And CarOS 16.01 have a state-of-the-art linux-kernel 4.4. with netfilter support.

You can download an ISO- or OVA-image for CarOS - release 16.01 or set up your own buildroot using the REDOMAT definition