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CarOS - The Carrier Operating System

CarOS 15.12 Basketane

   ______           ____  _____    /\
  / ____/___ ______/ __ \/ ___/   /  +---+
 / /   / __ `/ ___/ / / /\__ \    \  |  /|  CarOS 15.12
/ /___/ /_/ / /  / /_/ /___/ /     +---+ +  Basketane
\____/\__,_/_/   \____//____/      |   |/


  • security fixes from poky-upstream (1.8.1)
  • added tools required for virtualization
  • basic support for host-based firewall (native tools + rule persistence)
  • preliminary support for self-hosted package feeds (added "kellner")
  • added openvswitch
  • added unbound and nsd packages for DNS resolving and zone-serving
  • added nginx-1.9.6

For more details see changelog

Why basketane?

"Basketane is a polycyclic alkane with the chemical formula C10H12. The name is taken from its structural similarity to a basket shape." see wikipedia

Caros 15.12 supports KVM, it's like a basket.

Well, what should we add to the basket? How can we show it works? What could we do next? What do you need?

First Patch: Caros itself. We will add a little HowTo about setting up self hosted package feeds.

Second Patch: little tiny KVMs, i.e. unit tests like KVM-unit-tests. It is a kind of positive egoism. To show it works and alert ourself when it's broken.

Btw. CarOS is a rolling release - we drop a new release every 16th of a month. You can download an ISO-, OVA- or sdcard-image for CarOS - release 15.12 or set up your own buildroot using the REDOMAT definition