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CarOS - The Carrier Operating System

CarOS 15.11 Ammonium

   ______           ____  _____
  / ____/___ ______/ __ \/ ___/     H  +
 / /   / __ `/ ___/ / / /\__ \      |       CarOS 15.11
/ /___/ /_/ / /  / /_/ /___/ /  H---N--H    Ammonium
\____/\__,_/_/   \____//____/        \


  • based on Yocto 1.8 (aka. fido / 13.x.y)
  • Linux Kernel 3.19
  • systemd 219
  • Erlang
  • BTRFS for the root filesystem to allow filesystem snapshots before updates
  • a systemd offline target to perform offline updates for major package changes
  • extended systemd-journald logging including live syslog forwarding formatted according to RFC5424
  • preliminary network namespace support for net-snmp
  • release "fragments":
    • ready-to-flash sdcard image for BananaPI router board
    • ISO image for installation (vmware machine (and more if you are feeling lucky) )

Default login is root/caros

Why Ammonium?

Ammonium is a basic molecule for life. It is very small. And it has the power to wake someone up simply by smelling. <!-- more -->

Btw. CarOS is a rolling release. Every 16th of month we drop a release. You can download the binaries for CarOS - release 15.11 as ISO and as sdcard image.